This was a hard hitter. Got me thinking. Amen/Amin

Here I lay to rest every single relationship platonic or otherwise I've ever had. In 2020 I sent checking my call log to notice only outward facing arrows going back months to the spirit in the sky. I did a little experiment and didn't call anyone in 2021 to see who might call me for a change then laid to rest every single one of my contacts. Two days ago, was the first time I had a conversation with my mother in 4 years. I don't know if that will ever be a relationship again. Resurrections have been known to occur. I laid to rest my Self. I experience life as something being seen through ocular nerves as I barely exist and rarely even hear my name spoken. Maybe I'm haunting this joint.

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this was lovely and highly relatable, thanks for sharing so openly ♥️

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Beautiful❤️Thanks for these words…

Forever working to let go of the anger and violence that is embedded into the fabric of my DNA, that death is slow and drawn out as ever.

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sometimes it feels like you yoinkin the plug over and over but the screens stay on. slower than you like but I see the growth and progress sis ♥️🌱

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